Recommended Interesting Articles


Play with water and sand

The supply of toys grows every day. There are so many ideas, materials, shapes and drawings that the choice becomes complicated when we want to buy a toy for children. In the market there are toys for all ages, with innovative proposals and with very attractive aspects. However, with the arrival of good weather, many children begin to have an interest in traditional games such as rope, cart, kite and, of course, playing with water and sand.
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Mothers and fathers of an only child

The biggest concern about having only one child resides with the parents. There is a concern in many parents for not wanting to give their child excesses that harm them instead of benefiting them. It is very easy to fall into the temptation to overprotect, pamper, and badly educate, but if what you want is to educate them properly, it is important that you follow some tips.
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Martial Arts

Yoga for kids

Do you find it difficult for your son or daughter to be able to stay still, quiet and focused in one of the yoga positions? Surely many parents will find it almost impossible, but the truth is that the practice of yoga will show you that anything is possible, and that this oriental discipline has a lot of benefits and can get a lot of good things out of children.
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Dos and Don'ts to Treat Sibling Jealousy

There is jealousy of couples, there is jealousy at work, there is jealousy between parents and there is between siblings, because whenever there is insecurity in oneself, there is jealousy. For parents, having their children jealous of each other is a difficult situation that creates stress, bewilderment and inevitably feelings of guilt: & 39; What am I doing wrong?
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The child's personality according to the features of his face

The features of the face tell us things. Also in the case of children. For example, did you know that children with widely separated eyes have more trouble concentrating? Obviously, these theories are always based on very marked facial features. Do you want to know more? Well, do not miss the explanations of this video and check if they coincide or not with the way of being of your child.
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Mules and robbers. Aesop's Fable for Children

Aesop's fables, like this one, The Mules and the Thieves, are very popular with children as they are short and entertaining. In children's stories children will find valuable lessons that serve to educate in values ​​such as honesty or solidarity. Children's stories contribute to developing the imagination and creativity of your children With fables children will discover the morals, very interesting little lessons in form of funny stories.
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